Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 379

If you haven' t noticed I don't update nearly as mush as I used to.
Yes, it's because my skin isn't as awful, but it's still bad.

I've also been ill for the last week so I had to call in to work and my skin took even more of a backseat in healing. But ya know....

The stingers have been lightening up but the oozing is getting worse...
And if you can believe it I think I'm getting less and less sleep.
Once again, I apologize for the purple in the photos, its me phone case.


Behind my knees, on the back of my legs, are the main problem right now. I'm having trouble walking, and the cuts just seem to be getting worse. I'm trying very hard to keep them keep and limit my scratching, but I do so much damage in my broken/medicated sleep.

Hopefully once this cold passes, my body will work on healing my skin more.

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