Thursday, January 14, 2016


Sorry for my absence, this was a busy month. We just moved and we're set to move again sometime in the next few months or so, so I'm living out of boxes at the moment. Not fun, and I didn't even have my desk or computer set up for a while. Still dealing with flares but nothing unmanageable.

Here's a picture I took after hearing of the death of Alan Rickman. I really loved his work and he was an amazing actor, I'm sad for his loss and all my fellow Slytherins will morn our house and headmaster.

My biggest issues have been my eyes. They're constantly swollen and or cracked. I try to take Zyrtec everyday but I don't think it helps much. I woke up the other day with an extremely swollen face. My living situation at the moment isn't the best so I think that along with other environmental allergies my skin is going crazy.

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