Omeprazole 20mg
Warfarin 10mg
Caffeine 100 mg
Metoprolol Tartrate 100mg
(Sorry no photo of dupilumab, they always had it in a sealed box)
A representative came down from Regeneron to see the medication administered and I also received my first injection of Dupilumab. The injection was painful, very painful. I personally wouldn't describe as burning. It feels like something is being injected into my muscle and then it's spread down deeper. I literally grimaced and said "Ouch Ouch Owie Owie Owie" as they were giving it. But I'd do anything for a cure and compared to the pain I've been through this was nothing.
They had my meals catered and I spent most of my time watching anime. They would come in every few hours to pull blood to measure the cocktail. Here are a few pics, nothing special but yeah.