Saturday, March 1, 2014

Day 169- Finding Little Things

Happy March 1st everyone! Not much new to report. I'm on my 9th day of Moisturizer Withdrawal. I don't particularly like it. I love that I have "less" of a routine for my skin and have to buy less products as well. I don't feel like this is "less" painful, just a different type of pain, which I think I find more tolerable.

When I took my first shower through this I did something I haven't done in my entire life. No moisturizers right after the shower. All my life, I was taught that when you get out of the shower you PAT yourself dry and use moisturizer to lock in moisture. The idea scared the shit of out me.

Left Arm/Wrist
Right Arm/Wrist

I've had a few people ask me what the tattoo on my wrist is. Well it is the symbol from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The lines coming off from the symbol were supposed to be delicate bamboo leaves, I had a lazy artist. When my skin is finished healing, my present to myself is to touch up this tattoo. I have a Wonderful inker now and we are going to work together to change those icky lines into a snake for the house Slytherin. Can you tell that I'm a a fan?

But the point of that story up there ^ was.... that if you check out my wrist above my tattoo, there's a small lightening bolt shape. Harry Potter!!! :D

My feet still look awful, but I think they look better then they did.


1 comment:

  1. did you ever tried herbs from mountains which are collected by you or herbalist, combined with diet, both are working good
