Sunday, September 7, 2014

1 year off of Topical Steroids!

I'm sorry it took so long to post this!!
I'm also sorry that there won't be as many photos as I said there would be...
 Ian got an extra day off this week so we got an extra day together. Which of course fell on my anniversary date.
But always, better late then never.

 Sorry about my weird eye blink here ;(
And I didn't capture the whole side here...
Man! I sure failed in the picture department huh!

 The back of my leg has been a constant problem, I can't get it to heal. 

 I also think I might have a slight infection. Lots of pop-able pus thingies... I lost my old health insurance and have had to go though my worse insurance now. I've tried scheduling a Dr appt. but they canceled on me and I haven't had time to reschedule. I also ran out of doxepin and so I get very little sleep. Knowing me I won't go at all and I'll just suffer... I'm one of those people that avoid doctors and hospitals. Especially dermatologists and especially now.

 The ooze has also been rather aggressive. I've never noticed any smell or anything that others have noticed and I never had it really ruin any of my clothes but it's very uncomfortable and itchy.

 Looks like I have months 6-12 progress collage to make now!


  1. Yes, please make a collage post, and put a link somewhere on the side bar or something. It will help new readers catch up with your progress and follow along :) I would also be interested to hear a summary of how things have progressed over time.
    Doctors are very scary :( I got past the steroid thing with mine by saying I wanted to wait until the National Eczema Association releases their literature review on steroid addiction until I decide what to do... the doc was understanding... and it helps raise awareness with a credible source.
    My neck looks just like yours... slightly less blood - my eyelids also have the crack thing in them. Please don't give up! You WILL heal eventually.... it just takes forever!!!!

    Sending you my best :) stay strong

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YOUR NECK! Seriously, mine cycles and looks like that! Are you ever afraid the DSS is just making you more dry than you normally would be?
