Sunday, December 14, 2014



These were taken 12/4/14 as the boil started to take over my face.

The last allergic reaction I had left some damage, including boils.I don't know if you've ever had a boil, but it's awful.And as you saw in the last post it was right next to my lip. I even have a lovely video! I'll have to put it upon reddit/popping, they'll love it. I've been trying to upload it here on blogger but it never makes it past the "Processing Video" point. So here it is from some other site.

These were taken on 12/6/14 and yes I had to work with this thing on my face. This is what it looked like by the end of my shift. Before and after the pop.

Other then that just more healing and as always I'm trying to keep the damage I cause to a minimum. Infact other than the boils I seem pretty healthy... I tried scheduling a dermatology appt through zocdoc, but I got an email the day before saying that the office had canceled my appointment. No reason, nothing. So it might be a bit until I get to setting up another appt, irritated. Sorry for the blurry photos.

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