Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 445-Happy Thanksgiving!

We celebrated Thanksgiving early this year. Since Ian works on thanksgiving we celebrated it on Monday. It feels weird to be writing about thanksgiving again. I remember writing last thanksgivings blog like it was yesterday.

I thought I would have an easier time cooking since I am further into my withdrawal then I was last year. But I was also using Vaseline and baths daily. My hands weren't to the point where I they had splits and cracks. But this time they were. I tried to be fast when it came to cooking. I stuffed the bird quickly, cut vegetables quickly but once again Ian had to help a lot. Especially with pealing and cutting those starchy potatoes. He didn't mind though, we like cooking together. I also made gravy for the first time! Ian an I also cooked my first baked mac and cheese dish.

It was just Ian and I again this year and it was wonderful. I hope next Thanksgiving is TSW free. <3

I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving, keep your chin up Red Skin Warriors!


  1. You are looking a lot better in these photos!! Hopefully things stay like that for a little while.
    The boil thing looks nasty. Yikes! I had a big lump thing at the back of my head but thankfully it went back down. TSW is just randomness

  2. How's it going? How wAs christmas?
