Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 24

The bath didn't seem to help as much this time.... :/
But I didn't do as much damage this time....but that may be because I had took a lot of antihistamines and got really high. I haven't talked about it yet but if you've read any of my stuff so far then maybe you won't mind it. I am a medical marijuana user. I find it helps take down the itching sometimes if not distract me to not itch as much. But it helps a lot with the pain. If you're interested please ask! There's topicals (steroid free!) and edibles, tinctures, candies, and even just the plain old bud is the best at helping with immediate pain relief. Yay for living in a state with medical marijuana!

But any way here are some photos of healing... well ya know.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you with the weed. I'm crowning my third month since stopping topicals and thank the dank.
