Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 295-Healing from the Hot Spings

Sorry it's taken so long for me to put these up, I've been enjoying my vacation. I go back to work tomorrow. :( So I figured it would be a good idea to get back to business on the blog as well.

My skin has been doing a lot of healing. It's peeling and flaking and is rather red.

 There's lots of big gashes on the creases of my neck where my nails catch when I scratch, as well as "my beard" (the chin area) which is what Ian calls it.

 The tops of my feet are almost completely clear! Now it's just waiting on all the creases on my ankle. I feel fairly confident that once my feet heal up completely that will be it the end of it for them. I used steroids and Protopic the most on my neck, and face so it makes sense that these spots will take the longest to heal.

My poor wrists go back and forth, but right now they're healing up great from the springs. Can't wait to see how things look next week.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 290 and 6 Year Anniversary!!!

Hi everyone!!!

Today is the 6th anniversary of my first date with Ian and we both have a week off for vacation. A whole week together! I'm so excited! I am so grateful to have him in my life. We're going to drive up to the mountain to a Hot Springs. We're both very excited to see how much this helps my skin. It was a 3+ hour drive to get here, but if it helps we'll do it again.

We have a lot of things to talk about this week and a lot of possibilities in our future. We've decided to become part of the Tiny House Movement. Right now were in the downsizing/planning stage, but we're very excited. Once things start becoming more concrete with that I'll most likely start a blog about that as well.

Anyway here's a bunch of different pictures! There's some before picutures of my skin so I can compare them to the pictures I'll take after the hot springs. There's also some pictures from the trip. :)

 Vacation pics!!!!

 Here we are all dressed up and a picture of necklace Ian gave me this year. It's a ladybug. 
(Our counterparts)
Here are our counterparts accompanying us on the trip.
 Vacations sure are fun!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 281-Healing

I used to update all the time whenever my skin acted up, but now I'm in that nice long break until the last flare and I'm enjoying it. I don't know how long it will last and I'm sure I'll get mini flares. But I think I'm "safe" until the end of this year. I also did some comparing to other who I've been similar to. I should also be wary of next June as well. Pinklikeabeacon just got married and had a honeymoon! <3 She is also in her 21st month and is still going through flares. Please send some healing thoughts her way <3

Now time for pictures!

 My face is taking it's time healing, some days I wake up and my face is dry and the scabs are still there. Other days, I wake up with a wet face (blood? ooze? sweat?) and fresh exposed skin. The air from the fan stings, the fresh cuts so I'll cover my face in my thin cotton sheet blanket only to wake up to fuzzies stuck in my face. -.- 

 Just lots of healing.

 Feet are clearing up a bit!

 Current nuisance. Giant split across my ring finger on my knuckle.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

9 Months fighting Topical Steroid Withdrawal

Things are bad but getting better. I can feel that. We have a vacation coming up soon and we'll be heading up to Glennwood Hot Springs Pool for some healing. It won't be until the end of the month and I can't wait!

But for today it's my 9 month anniversary! Here's a bunch of pictures for ya!

 In this set I included my ever healing feet and my knees which are at the mercy of jeans, I need to find something nicer to wear on my skin.
So there ya have it! I'm on the road to recovery and I'll be coming into that break 9-11, where things are supposed to get better, with smaller if any flares. Then (supposedly) somewhere around months 12-14 the body has one last explosion.